Top Ten Characters I Wish Would Get Their Own Book


Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish.

Each week there’s a different Top Ten list. It’s a great way to find and connect with other awesome bloggers.

There have often been times when I wished to see a book from another character’s perspective.

I think it’d be really interesting. Sometimes I’ve been disappointed (like with Four from Divergent, who ended up so whiny I wanted to punch him), but I think it would work well with some books.

1) Hermione Granger from Harry Potter

2) Etienne St Clair from Anna and the French Kiss

He’s cocky and arrogant in the most hilarious way possible, and I’d LOVE a book from his POV.

3) The Mad Hatter from Alice in Wonderland

He’s like my favourite character ever. For drama at school, I’m actually writing a theatre script from his POV, which is exciting, but Lewis Carroll seriously needs to write me one.

4) Luna Lovegood from Harry Potter

IT WOULD JUST BE SO INTERESTING. In fact I’d like a book on every single character in the Potterverse. Get on that, J K.

5) Augustus Waters from The Fault in Our Stars

IT WOULD HURT. If this book existed, it would be waaaaay worse than The Fault in Our Stars. And I know John Green would never write it. But I live in hope.

6) Margo Roth Spiegelman from Paper Towns

Because she’s just such an interesting character. Also, how exciting is it that in a year, I can use AN ACTUAL GIF OF MARGO?? Although I thought this one was pretty cool:

7) Alaska Young from Looking for Alaska

Another mysterious character. I want to know what was going through her head, I really do.

8) Voldemort fromdo I really have to say?

Work it, Voldy. Yeah, I really love villains, so a book from Voldy’s perspective would be awesome.

9) Captain Hook from Peter Pan

Again, villains. Villains are cool. And Peter Pan is an awesome story.

10) Arya from Eragon

This was the only decent gif I could find from Eragon – I think because everyone’s trying to suppress the memories of that awful excuse for a film. BUT the books are awesome. Arya in particular is one of my favourites.

What about you? Which of your favourite characters would you like to see books of?

40 thoughts on “Top Ten Characters I Wish Would Get Their Own Book

  1. That gif of Voldemort though. VOLDY. I think I would read just about any book from the villain’s perspective instead. Heeehe. (I think the gif for Luna is missing? Or it might be just me.)
    GAH THOUGH. MARGO??!! Mime just finished Paper Towns and we were ranting over what a brat Margo kind of is. She was sooo selfish and spoiled. -_- She reminds me of Alaska, but at least Alaska had a tragic backstory. (But I’m freakishly excited for the PT movie!!)
    Alaska is on my list too. 😉
    But….but if Gus narrated…just think how his book would end? IT’S AN IMPERIAL AFFLICTION ALL OVER AGAIN.

    • VOLDY IS THE GREATEST. Yeah, the Luna gif is missing. Lol. I can’t even be bothered fixing it. MARGO IS COOL, THOUGH. Maybe I’m just weird with liking her. But I love Alaska as well.

      It’s weird how the guys in both of those are just as similar as the girls…but it’s John Green so I forgive him.

      NOOOOOOOOOO, poor Gus 😥

  2. I would love a book all about Manon from Heir of Fire. That would be amazing, because I loved how Sarah J. Maas got into her head and made me empathise with her in Heir of Fire.
    Also, I would love a book from Nico or Rayna’s point of view when we don’t see them in Olympus or Percy Jackson. I haven’t read Blood of Olympus yet though…(no spoilers)

  3. Captain Hook from Peter Pan and The Mad Hatter from Alice in Wonderland are both great choices. For Peter Pan, I would also love to see a book from Tinkerbell’s perspective, or Smee’s perspective. And for Alice in Wonderland another good character POV that I would like to see is the Queen of Heart’s POV.

  4. LOL AT THAT VOLDY GIF! Ha! Oh man if John Green ever wrote TFIOS in the perspective of Gus, it would be way too sad for me. Gah, I would die. And then Harry Potter, you know, I would love books on Lupin, Sirius, and James, but when it comes to POV, definitely Luna. She’s so interesting and complex, I would love to know what’s going on in her head 😀

    Awesome list Emily!

  5. I loved the gif you used from Paper Towns… Probably because it’s from one of my favorite TV shows xD And that Voldemort gif… I can’t breathe! Voldemort, Luna, and Hermione should totally have their own books.

  6. I too, would love Luna to have her own book. It would be so weirdly wonderful! 😀 I’m loving that Voldy gif as well. Made me laugh out loud!

  7. Loving this list Emily! Voldemort would definitely be a fascinating character to delve into more and learn about how he got to being so evil, and Etienne St Clair would make a great protagonist on his own (even though I totally ship him and Anna). I think it’d be interesting to maybe see a book from Rudy’s point of view in The Book Thief, though of course it is fantastic enough as it is!

  8. Oh, I love this week’s TTT topic! Totally with you on the Mad Hatter & Captain Hook. Although, now that I think of it, I have a feeling a book from Hook’s POV would probably be mostly just “THAT STUPID LITTLE PETER PAN I’LL CATCH HIM YET”… 😉 Oh, and I would kill for a Tinkerbell POV. She’s one of my favourite characters. 😀

  9. AN ETIENNE POV WOULD BE AMAZING AND I’M KIND OF CURSING YOU NOW FOR PUTTING AN IMPOSSIBLE WISH INTO MY MIND. I kid, I kid. But seriously, his arrogance demands it’s own show and I want to see one! OHOHOHO A Captain Hook POV would be AMAZING. Can you imagine all the thoughts that would be running through his mind hahaha

  10. Oh my gosh, we NEED a book from St. Clair’s POV. It’s necessary, my friends.
    Also, I need help. I went to the library today, intending to get 1 book, and guess what? I walked out with 5. “My usual pattern,” as my dad says. Of those five, I snatched up Throne of Glass, Crown of Midnight, and The Assassin’s Blade. Should I read the prequel first, or the first two books?
    Also, a book to add to the TBR: ACID by Emma Pass. Can’t put it down. It’s staring at me from my desk , begging me to pick it up instead of doing homework…

    • WE DO. WE REALLY DO. We should get Stephanie Perkins onto it.

      Oh, see, you have Book Lover’s Affliction. It’s common. Although unfortunately it can’t be cured. I’d say read Throne of Glass and Crown of Midnight first, then Assassin’s Blade – and then Heir of Fire whenever they get it in!!

  11. Your list is literally the bees knees. I had such a mind blank when drafting mine that I could only think of 4 characters… *sob*. I’d especially love to read books from Augustus, Luna, Hermione, Etienne and the Mad Hatter.

  12. Old Voldy’s gone moldy. HAHA, that gif was hilarious XD
    I’ve basically read like all of the books on your list, MARGO AND AUGUSTUS are the top *sobs* Though it would be too painful to read Gus’s books…
    They deserve their own books. Though the Mad Hatter and Captain Hook would make for interesting books.

  13. I never read Four’s point of view, but I was curious about him too. Why would his thoughts be all whiny?

    Hermione would be a great protagonist, but so would Luna! She could go searching for new magical creatures! I’m not so sure about Voldemort, because we already got most of his history, but it would be interesting to hear his thoughts.

  14. 1. AGREED! Okay, I didn’t finish all the Harry Potter books (yet), but I am pretty curious about Hermione’s thoughts, since, you know, she has a lot of those. 😉
    2. Yup. Definitely reading this if it happens. ❤
    3. THAT WOULD BE BRILLIANT! Well, again, I haven't read Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (it's on my Summer TBR, please don't pressure me! xD), but I love the idea of the Mad Hatter having his own very insane and whimsical story.
    4. Luna's actually my favorite character (from the movies, since I haven't gotten to the book with her in it yet).
    5. I don't love John Green's writing, but I do love Gus! SO, I would totally love his story… but maybe in a movie, perhaps? xD
    7. Alaska definitely caught my interest. A story with her as an MC would be daring and strong, I believe.
    8. THAT GIF! ;'D ;'D
    9. Oooh yes! I may have DNFed Peter Pan (artsy, old-time writing isn't my thing), but I would love Hook's story!

    Awesome picks, Em! And I would definitely love more books from villains' perspectives, too!

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