The TBR Tag!

It’s been such a long time since I was tagged in this that I can’t actually remember WHO tagged me. I remember reading their post (whoever it was) and going, hells yes, I’ll do that tag…and now I can’t find them.

No matter. Let’s do this.

So here are my TBR piles, just for reference.


CAM00469 CAM00475

So on the top we have the MAIN book pile, the one that’s always growing and changing. In the bottom left we have the long-term book pile – a lot of these books are ones I probably won’t get to for a while (also there are some fairytales that I HAVE read on the left hand side). Then on the right is my pretty tame library pile, which I usually keep on my desk to remind me to read them.

I know. It’s quite a few books.

How do you keep track of your TBR pile?

I kind of…don’t. I know people who have Goodreads shelves for all the physical copies they own, and they keep track of them through that, but it seems much too difficult to me. I just look at my shelves sometimes and sigh because I want to read ALL THE BOOKS.

Is your TBR mostly print or ebook?

Print – I don’t read ebooks. I must be in the minority by now. I’ve got so many print books to read that I don’t know how I’d keep up with ebooks as well!

How do you determine which book from your TBR to read next?

I read review copies and library books first. Unless it’s something I’ve been dying to read, like Isla and the Happily Ever After, in which case all the rules are flung out the window.

A book that’s been on your TBR list the longest?

In terms of my physical TBR, probably Second Glance by Jodi Picoult. I just never get around to it even though I love Jodi Picoult.

In terms of my Goodreads TBR, that would be The Statistical Probability of Love At First Sight by Jennifer E. Smith.

second glance 2 the statistical probability of love at first sight

A book you recently added to your TBR?

Physical TBR: This ShaCAM00462ttered World. Although it’s not staying there for long because I’m reading it now.

Goodreads TBR: The Cage by Meghan Shepherd which is coming out next year.




A book on your TBR strictly because of its beautiful cover?

ink amanda sunInk by Amanda Sun. I mean, seriously, it’s beautiful.

A book on your TBR that you never plan on reading?

The Last Thirteen by James Phelan. There are like thirteen books and I have…the sixth one, or something? Let’s be honest, it’s never going to happen.

An unpublished book on your TBR that you’re excited for?

Just go this Goodreads shelf, really.

It’s my 2015 releases shelf and I am SO EXCITED for all of them. Mostly for A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas, if I’m honest.

LOOK AT IT! It’s gorgeous! And it’s a retelling of Beauty and the Beast, otherwise known as one of my favourite fairytales ever.

a court of thorns and roses

A book on your TBR that basically everyone has read except you?

There are lots of tCAM00478hem!

Physical TBR: The Selection by Keira Cass.

Goodreads TBR: the Grisha trilogy by Leigh Bardugo.


A book on your TBR that everyone recommends to you?

Again, the Grisha trilogy.

Also, All Our Yesterdays by Cristin Terrill.

A book on your TBR that you’re dying to read?

CAM00480Hope in a Ballet Shoe just looks so amazing, and I love dance, so I have high hopes. Also, no whitewashing on the cover, which is lovely to see.

How many books are on your Goodreads TBR shelf?

208. Which is not bad, really. I’ve seen some of my Goodreads friends with more than a thousand on their TBR shelf O_O that’s kind of scary.

So that’s a bit of a look at my TBR, which is going to get even larger during November, since I’m not reading as much. HELP ME. What’s a book on your TBR that you’re excited to read?

27 thoughts on “The TBR Tag!

  1. OH. I RELATE TO THIS SO MUCH. I read ARCs and library books first, which is sometimes bad news because I won/own a lot of books I’d like to read, buuuuut ARCs. *cries because has no reading plan* I have a goodreads to-read shelf of like 700+. I would actually like to read them all! Will I? no. But I just seriously do want to try all the stories and…and…hey, maybe there’ll be a job invented soon that’s just paid reading and I will live a glorious life of a good career. *nods*

  2. Hehe, your TBR pile is looking a little bit like mine size-wise. xD But I still have quite a few e-galleys from Netgalley I should probably read and review. O.o Though I much prefer physical books, you know? But, you have some seriously GREAT books in your current TBR pile. Especially All Our Yesterdays — I didn’t think I’d love that book as much as I did. 😀

  3. Ohhhh I borrowed All Our Yesterdays as an audiobook! And so far I’m enjoying it even though it’s my first time listening to an audio book. I love all your photos though, it just looks like that you have no space for all these books hahah! 208 books on your Goodreads TBR isn’t bad, but how about your physical TBR? Hahaha.

  4. I bought a Corner of White a while ago and I’ll read it eventually. You should also read When We Wake, I really liked it (diverse Australian dystopia) The Grisha books are so beautiful, you should read them. The Selection is pretty good for such and absurd context. I have like 80 goodreads to-read books. I wish you could rank it though, like I desperately need to read this book or my heart will die to that title is interesting.
    I went to the library today and got lots of sequels ! I’m dying to read Echoes of Us and Dreams of Gods and Monsters.
    Also, how do you request books from publishers? Because I live in a developing country and I’m not sure if they would send them or what….

    • It does look awesome (I have no idea when I’ll get a chance to read it, though!). When We Wake looks good and I THINK I own it *looks at piles* And the Grisha books too. Oh my gosh yes, rankings would be awesome! Or just another shelf with “NEED TO READ” or something 😛 gosh I love libraries.

      Well, I’m in Australia so it’s a bit easier for me. But go to your publishers’ websites and see if there’s a section for “media” (bloggers, reviewers, etc) and there should be a contact email. OR there’s NetGalley/Edelwiess, which are both online ones.

  5. You don’t read eBooks? Ever? I prefer print copies as well, but I couldn’t be without my Kindle. It’s too long a wait for some books to be released in paperback, so I grab an ecopy while I wait. Are those top ones all review copies? Wow, you’ve got quite a stack! Do you tend to try to review as many of those as possible before your own reads? In the last few months I haven’t had any more 10 copies on my shelf at any one time, but have 12 on my shelf at the moment. I can’t wait to see what you think of This Shattered World. I absolutely LOVED IT! Even more so than TBS.

    Thanks for sharing Em ❤

  6. Wowowow, I’m in awe of the fact that you don’t read eBooks. I prefer physical books as well, but it’s just not feasible for me since I’m always walking around and books are so heavy. 😦 So go you! I admire that perseverance. And good luck with finishing your TBR! 😉

  7. I was tagged to do the TBR tag a while ago, but we Midnightians are uber busy lately, so I don’t think we’ll have time to do it until next month or something. But ermahgersh! THESE BROKEN STARS IS ALL KINDS OF FABULOUS, AMIRITE?

  8. I AM IN AWE THAT YOU STILL HIT THE LIBRARY because I’ve had to ban myself as of late. You’ve got a working system here, keeping your physical TBR together. I keep mine apart and just about everywhere so I pretty much have no idea what has been read and what hasn’t been LOL and then just when I think I’ve gotten somewhere, I remember that I have eARCs or something haha I like the rainbow scheme that you have going on with your long-term TBR though. It’s prettttty! And, on a last note, Emily…read the Grisha series. I must sound like a broken record right? HAHA

    • Oh gosh I don’t know why I went. All those books and I’ll probs not even read some of them. HAHA. I hardly have a system. They’re all over the bloody place. I’m kind of glad I don’t have ebooks, though…I feel like I would neglect them a fair bit. YES the rainbow is beautiful, right??

      The Grisha Trilogy? What’s that? 😛 (totally haven’t heard you say it enough)

  9. My TBR is a big larger (Goodreads lets me get away with a gazillions of them) then yours and I am constantly overwhelmed!!! But, it’s okay. We will get it all read.
    Read The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight! It’s super short and kind of amazing (in my humble opinion).

  10. I’ve read All our Yesterdays… it’s good but quite gruesome and dystopian with a lot of violence. I like how it deals with time paradoxes and important decisions though. The final decision is well justified. (and my sister made the other comment lol we have the same username because I can’t remember passwords very well 😛 )

  11. Pingback: This Week I Finished NaNoWriMo (huzzah!) | The Loony Teen Writer

  12. Every time I see Ink, I take a second to just take in the cover. It really is beautiful! And the sequel is just as amazing. I’ve just started keeping track of my TBR on Goodreads. I used to put a sticker on all my books that I haven’t read but that was even more stressful LOL! I’m literally excited to read at least 80% of my physical TBR and like a hundred other books that I don’t have yet. 😛

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