Bookshelf Tour! (lots of pretty books)

For some reason I’ve never done a bookshelf tour.

I’ve posted photos every now and again, but not my complete shelves. Although to be fair, I don’t have many shelves, so some books have to stand on their own. Or be crowded on my desk. But I’m excited to show you my shelves today! First we have a zoomed out version of both shelves so you can see them from a distance.

tall bookshelf desk bookshelf

So on the left we have my tall bookshelf. It used to have ornaments and tropies and things in a few of the shelves, but I gradually…erm, kicked them out. I needed the shelf space!

Then on the right are the two bookshelves above my desk. Lots of stuffed toys there too. Those two shelves hold most of the books I love the ABSOLUTE most. I’m always rearranging the bottom one.

The Tall Bookshelf

Let’s go shelf by shelf, shall we?

tall bookshelf 1

Top shelf: This holds a bunch of MG books. There’s Clarice Bean, Ruby Rosemount, Liesel and Po. Up the top are Inkheart and Inkspell as well as Mao’s Last Dancer and a very battered copy of The Fellowship of the Ring. There’s actually a layer behind all of these but I…do not take these books out because they’re VERY jammed in!

tall bookshelf 2

This has some of my school books, like Christopher Koch’s The Year of Living Dangerously. Then there’s the first three books in the Mortal Instruments series – I KNOW, they’re out of order, but whatever. I think there are some more MG books in the row behind, and we’ve got the awesome Spark by Rachael Craw there too.

tall bookshelf 3

This is my TBR shelf! On the right we have review copies and ARCs: Falling into Place, The Summer of Kicks, The Rapunzel Dilemma, The Realm of Possibility, Apple and Rain and A Thousand Pieces of You. They’re more or less in release order so I know which ones to read first. Then on the left is the pile of library books/books I own – library books on top. There are some ones that I REALLY WANT TO READ SOON. Like A Corner of White and Love Letters to the Dead, for example.

tall bookshelf 4

Here we have some Michael Scott books (The Alchemyst, The Magician etc) but they’re out of order. Then there’s my second copy of Every BreathWe Were Liars, Geek Girl and Head of the River. There are also a few Jodi Picoult books.

tall bookshelf 5

Sorry for how dark this photo is! This is kind of the overflow shelf. I JUST cleared it out so there aren’t many books here yet. We’ve got The Peculiars, How to Keep a Boy From Kissing You, Tape, Half Bad and Butter.


desk bookshelf 1 desk bookshelf 2

Erm. Just pretend these two photos follow on 🙂 This shelf basically contains all my favourite series: Ingo, Harry Potter, The Last Dragon Chronicles, His Dark Materials, Princess Diaries (plus other Meg Cabot books) and some Gail Carson Levine books. There are other standalones like The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland and North Child that I also really like. Up there are also Divergent, a few others, and Jamintha in the top right corner, which is SO GOOD. I think. I can’t remember it that well, but it’s still very underrated.

desk bookshelf 3 desk bookshelf 4

I’m actually quite pleased with how these two pictures matched up. Let’s go left to right. So we have Eleanor and Park (amazing) then the shiny Disruption by Jessica Shirvington. Then there’s The Last Girl and The Last Shot by Michael Adams, and then Esther Earl’s This Star Won’t Go Out. Then there are three BEAUTIFUL hardcovers (so pretty). These Broken Stars, then Splintered and UnhingedIt’s Kind of a Funny Story, Ellie Marney’s FABULOUS Every Breath and Every Word. Then there’s Anna and Lola (STILL WAITING FOR ISLA). We have a couple John Green, then some Kasie West, back to John Green. After that is Breaking Butterflies followed by Bird and The Minnow (both fabulously unique). After that’s Looking for Alibrandi.  Then we have the last two in the Hunger Games series, because I lent the first one out. Searching for Sky, The Book Thief, Holes, August, Writing Clementine, The Protected, Maybe One Day, Now is Good, The Fault in Our Stars, two copies of The InternPerks, This Song Will Save Your Life and Saving June. 

Plus we have some on the top, like the Inheritance cycle. This is probably my favourite shelf out of all of them, which is why I listed all the books. How positively long-winded of me.

The Rainbow TBR

rainbow books

This stack resides on my desk. Makes it very difficult to study. They are in rainbow order as you can probably tell. It’s another TBR, but I probably won’t get to these for a while. I do like looking at them, though.

The Slightly Neglected Pile

other random books

Dark photo again, sorry. But anyway, these books aren’t rainbow so I can’t put them on the rainbow TBR, and also I don’t want to read them urgently enough to put them on the tall bookshelf TBR. So they’re kind of languishing here next to my door, but I WILL GET TO THEM EVENTUALLY. Some of them look really good.

And Some Rainbow Books

red books orange books yellow books

Well, not quite rainbow. But I will gather my green, blue, purple and pink books at a later date. It was hard enough trawling through all my shelves to find these! I have a lot of red books, apparently. This isn’t part of the bookshelf tour, I was just bored.

So that’s my bookshelf tour! One day I might actually do a video version, but this will have to suffice for now. 🙂

33 thoughts on “Bookshelf Tour! (lots of pretty books)

  1. Oh my gosh…you have seriously got a lot of unread books. I have one shelf for to-be-read books and there’s like 13 on there right now BUT THAT IS SO SMALL COMPARED TO YOURS. But I love this! I love bookshelf tours and I love squinting at photos and seeing what people have. I see Ari & Dante there next to Dead Ends and Unhinged and These Broken Stars and for some reason that makes me happy. ^_^ You obviously have epic taste in books. I also love your rainbow stacks! I would SO love to rainbow organise my shelves, but I’ve told myself I’ll fill up my remaining two shelves and THEN I’m going to reorganise. I just don’t want to split up my series-families though. Buuuut…for the sake of colour, I will. 😉

    • I know I do O_O to be fair, I won 20 from Allen and Unwin at the start of this year and haven’t had a chance to read any of them!! 13 on your TBR sounds quite small, actually, given what I’ve heard from other bloggers. Gosh, some of those are insane. Oooh, yes, that little section is lovely, I do like it 🙂 I’d love to rainbow-order mine as well, but I have so many books that aren’t colourful and I’d hate to exclude them lol. But yes, putting series separately freaks me out 😛

  2. Those are some very full and very beautiful bookshelves. It’s like you have your own mini library! I love the rainbow stacks; my brain likes colorful organized rainbow things very much. That poor neglected pile of books…:( The dark light in the photo sets the mood, doesn’t it? Is that a chart of ARCs and release dates next to your TBR stack? If it is, it looks very intimidating. I’m still on the fence about whether I want to start requesting ARCs after I have some more experience under my belt. I would love to be able to read and review books before the release date, but at the same time, I don’t want to get flooded with unsolicited books that I don’t want to read.

    • Haha, thank you, I kind of do have my own library! My books are my most treasured possessions. Hehe, the rainbow books were a pain to put in piles, but look very nice. The paper next to my TBR stack is just the marketing release thingy that comes with review books, giving me the blurb and praises and when it comes out 😛

  3. Yay! I love bookshelf tours! Yours are so lovely! You have way more books than I do. Probably because I check out a lot of books at the library because my family does not have a lot of money. So I don’t own a lot of my favorites. Thanks to Subway, I plan on changing that. How many books do you have?

  4. I love to see other bookworm’s shelves – in comparison it makes my collection look so much smaller! The way things are going though, I probably am going to end up sticking books in every nook and cranny I find in my room. That being said, most of my bookshelf space is actually taken up by things other than books (which will probably have to change – I need some creative storage solutions!) In any case, those rainbow piles look super-awesome, and I too always find it useful to put my review-copies-to-read in another pile as well so I know when to get to them. All, in all, it was a great post! 🙂

    • Aww, I’m sure you have plenty of awesome books 🙂 I’m going to have to resort to something drastic soon, because I am fast running out of space (EEK!). And I want them in my room still. Soooo I have no idea. I like have my review copies in one pile too, because 1) they’re all in one place and 2) I can stack them in order. 🙂

  5. Oh my gosh, I would totally not be able to handle your shelves…my have been sorted and organised so often that I once asked my mum of I could sort her bookshelves, because I’d already done mine so many times.
    And I seriously wouldn’t be able to handle having my books out of order.
    I’m tempted to do one of these now…could be fun.

  6. Pretty, pretty books! I ran out of room on my bookshelf a looooong time ago (given, it was only a small bookshelf) so then I had to stack them in my desk’s draw. And now that I’ve run out of room there, I kinda just have to stack them in piles around my room, hah. I’m actually getting a new bookshelf soon (OH, THE EXCITEMENT) so maybe I’ll do one of these posts then. It’s an amazing excuse to take pictures of books. 😉

  7. I love the Rainbow TBR, it looks awesome! I just love shelfies, they make me happy hehe. I have 2 whole shelves devoted to my TBR, and that’s my review pile only o_o the books are so gorgeous! Great idea to have a favourites shelf too.

  8. Awww, your Rainbow TBR looks so awesome and colorful. Like looking at it makes me so motivated to read. I wish I had a shelf to brag about! Unfortunately, they’re not that… great… and it’s filled with other things so I don’t want to show pics of them 😛 Maybe when I have a real library 😀

    Faye at The Social Potato

  9. Ahhhhh. I love your shelves! So beautiful. The rainbow/colourful TBRs are gorgeous.

    Also, the Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland is not a standalone. There are two other books in the series!

  10. OMG I love the way you organize your books, especially the rainbow TBR pile! You have so many pretties that I either adored or want so badly! I have three shelves full of TBR reads ._. and tons and tons on my Kindle. Who knows when I’ll be able to get through them all? *sighs*

  11. Pingback: Bookshelf Tour | The Magical Adventures of Cassie the Weird

  12. I’m probably the only one here that loves shelves first, books second. I love storage, it’s almost an obsession. I LOOOOOVE your tall bookcase, it’s just lovely and would look fabulous at my place. Now, if you could just carry it over…

    You’ve got awesome taste in books Em, you’ve got an incredibly eclectic range, something for every YA lover. They all look very lovingly read as well. You must have friends coming over and browsing your lovely shelves trying to convince you to let them borrow one, or ten all the time. I certainly would be ❤ Thanks so much for sharing.

    • Storage is pretty great. Just having empty space to put things…*sighs happily* I also have an obsession with empty notebooks, not necessarily filling them. So we have that in common haha. How about we swap bookshelves? I hate how I have to double-stack mine – all the poor books at the back get neglected!!

      Aww shucks, my awesome taste is dependent on people’s recommendations lol. Although I’ll give pretty much any contemporary YA a go 🙂 my friends are often pretty jealous of my collection (MWAHAHA). But I am nice in lending books to anyone 🙂

  13. Pingback: Stacking the Shelves: the week of ISLA | The Loony Teen Writer

  14. Pingback: Sunday Funday: Week in Review [11] | Girl in the Pages

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